Makeover History-Part 1
For those of you who have trouble coming up with ideas for history projects, here is an example of how you can put together different subjects that you already find interesting and put them together to create a fun history project!
First come up with a list of things that interest you. These could include your favorite sport, music genre, people, or even activities. Take makeup artistry for an example of something I enjoy. Next, come up with a question about how this topic has changed over time. You might have to do a bit of research first to come up with some ideas. To continue the example I am using, I also am curious to find out more about the ways in which women have utilized makeup throughout history for social or cultural purposes. I also can identify a few historical figures who stick out in my mind as women who have made a significant impact on history, such as Cleopatra, Queen Elizabeth I of England, and Helen of Troy. My next step is to come up with a fun way to share and present my research.
Keep an eye out for part 2 of Makeover History to see the answers I discovered and how I decided to present the information!