Where did the Vikings go?

The current interest in exploring the Viking age, evident by popular TV shows like The Vikings on the History Channel, touches on interesting historical events and legendary names like Rollo (who became the Duke of Normandy). Coupled with the current fascination with Ancestral DNA services that allow people to discover their genetic ethnicity with specific regions highlighted on a map, it is interesting to note the major historical patterns that are evident. The map below shows areas with Viking settlements and influence.  These areas would also likely show evidence of Viking presence through DNA analysis if you have ancestors from these areas.

 Max Naylor [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons

My personal DNA results show percentages from Norway and Sweden. However, I was surprised that I did not have a greater percentage due to my known ancestry from Europe, specifically the British Isles. After conducting more research, I discovered that the low percentage was due to my ancestors from Ireland and Scotland coming from areas that did not have a large amount of Viking settlement. However, these areas were subject to frequent Viking raids.

Have you taken a DNA test to determine your ancestry? Did your results align with your historical research? Merging the historical context with the genetics can be confusing and result in some surprises. As the tests improve and more historical research leads to new discoveries we are sure to unearth new surprises and find more historical mysteries to solve.

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