Research Interests
What are YOUR research interests? Taking a break from the grind of schoolwork and thinking about your own research interests is a great way to revamp research practices. How quickly can you research and find the lyrics to an old song because you are determined to find the information for a trivia game? Was it the personal connection and memories that bring up strong emotions (whether good or bad) that helped you? Sometimes having incentives like winning a prize at a trivia night can also provide helpful encouragement for finding the answers to a research question. Some might say that searching for the lyrics to a favorite song is not a good example, because it is as simple as performing a search on google. However, I think that picking your favorite song is similar to picking your favorite research topics. Think about your favorite song for a moment. What do you like about it? Is it upbeat, or slow and calming? Does it remind you of a particular person? Usually s...